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Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Hard Week

We've had a hard week at our house. My baby boy has been sick. We did make it to the school one day to work, but then we had to do the weekly grocery shopping on Thursday and my baby boy ended up in the ER Thursday night. Needless to say we stayed home on Friday. He's still not 100% but he's better.

This next week the plan is to go back to the school on Monday to finish some things up. I also have more reading to do and planning.

How's everyone coming with their classrooms?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm surfing on over from the UBP! Found in someone's comments. Hope you'll swing by and pay me a visit as well.

    What a pretty blog. Hope your son is feeling better soon. We've all had something or other over the last few weeks and I am STILL sick.

    {Big hugs}
