I'm Alyssa, a wife, mom and new teacher. I have three awesome kids ages 8, 5, and 4. I am beginning my new adventure this school year as a 7th / 8th grade English teacher. I will also be teaching Creative Writing, Speech and Bible.
We live in a small town and my kids attend and I will be working at a small private school here in Mississippi. I have lived in a small town all of my life. I am a former youth and children's director who has been a full time business owner and work at home mom for the last five years.
Here are a few more random facts about me:
- 31 years old
- got married at 19, which means I’ve been married 12 years.
- mom to 3 rambunctious kiddos
- my house has cows on all 4 sides of it. Can you say flies?
- about to start my first full time job in my life
- addicted to Coca Cola classic
- a little OCD about some things
- an eternal student
- very sentimental
- can be an emotional roller coaster
- a good cook, just ask my husband
- have been a student at 6 different colleges or universities
- totally NOT a good housekeeper
- allergic to latex
- not a big TV watcher
- love my Crackberry
- author and creator of Christian Charm School Materials